Thursday, January 5, 2017

Hair | 4 Ways to Treat a Dry, Itchy Scalp

CLICK HERE for The No. 1 Itchy Scalp, Dandruff, Dry Flaky Sore Scalp, Scalp Psoriasis Book!
#dandruff #scalp #psoriasis

Hey guys, for many of you who know me personally I have always struggled with a dry scalp especially since I work out 3+ times a week and live in Michigan where the weather is less than favorable for my natural hair :( So this week I wanted to share with you what I do to keep my scalp moisturized, healthy and happy, enjoy!

Tip 1: Exfoliation is key because just like your face, dead skin builds up on your scalp especially from layering on tons of products causing your scalp to be unable to breathe and itchiness + dandruff to occur. By exfoliating you will help to shed layers of build up and also increase blood circulation which will help your hair to grow!
Products to exfoliate with:
1. Baking Soda- be sure to massag scalp lightly with this as you can cause irritation if you apply too much pressure!
2. Sugar (Brown or White is fine)
3. Oatmeal

Tip 2: PH regulation is important because an imbalance can cause overly dry or overly oily skin. Having the proper PH will allow your scalp to produce the proper amount of oil and keep your scalp naturally moisturized.
Products to Regulate PH:
1. Apple Cider Vinegar- make sure to dilute apple cider vinegar as it can be very drying on the scalp if applied directly!

Tip 3: Oiling your scalp can help your skin from over producing or under producing oil both of which can lead to a dry or itchy scalp.
Products to oil scalp:
1. Jojoba oil- this is a great oil to use just to get your scalp back on track as it most closely resembles skins natural oil
2. Argan Oil- due to its fatty acids and vitamin E it helps other products absorb into your scalp better
3. Grapeseed oil- thicker than jojoba oil and fattier too it helps to provide an extra kick of moisture if jojoba isn"t enough
4. EVOO- if you find that you need even more moisture olive oil is the way to go and it"s anti-microbial so it helps to kill any dandruff causing bacteria
5.EVCO- coconut oil is tops for dryness in general and very moisturizing but is a bit heavier than EVOO

Tip 4: Essential Oils help to treat a plethora of conditions from skin to headaches and are great for adding extra nourishing essentials to your scalp that you may not be getting from oiling or your other hair products!
Essential Oils to use:
1. Rosemary- anti-microbial and helps to increase blood circulation helping your hair to grow
2. Lavendar- soothing and healing helps to reduce redness and treat any damaged skin
3. Tea Tree Oil - anti-fungal and anti-microbial tea tree oil is great for killing any bacteria that"s causing dandruff, but it can be drying so use in small amounts

For more hair care tips and tricks be sure to check out my other videos and my Pinterest Board dedicated to natural hair!

See you next week!

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