Sunday, January 8, 2017

Testosterone Treatment For Men With Type 2 Diabetes

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Testosterone Treatment For Men With Type 2 Diabetes

Dr. Hugh Jones of the University of Sheffield in England, reports that treating male type 2 diabetics who have low testosterone levels with replacement testosterone can greatly reduce insulin resistance. The boost to testosterone levels resulted in better control of blood sugar levels. About a third of men who have type 2 diabetes have low cholesterol levels. A common genetic problem among type 2 diabetic men whose ancestors came from Britain or Ireland is iron overload, which gradually shrinks testicular tissue so that their testosterone levels fall. Lower testosterone levels occurs at the same time as higher blood sugars levels. Dr. Jones found that testosterone replacement therapy was not a miracle cure for type 2 diabetes, but it usually lowered HbA1c levels by about 0.5%. Low-dose testosterone therapy also increases libido and sexual performance but it does not increase the risk of prostate problems, as long as the testosterone injections and gels are taken as directed. Dr. Hugh Jones also reported that many of his patients dropped out of the study because of allergic reactions to his particular formula. If insurance won"t pay for testosterone replacement therapy, type 2 diabetic men who have testosterone levels in the 200"s or lower, have a natural alternative. The herb extract chrysin will not increase testosterone production, but it will help a man"s body to conserve testosterone. Like testosterone injections or gels, chrysin takes about six months to work, but it may lower blood sugar levels even as it bolsters manly characteristics.

Men with type 2 diabetes should not attempt to raise testosterone levels with androstenedione. This popular supplement is proven to raise testosterone levels... but in women. One study found that taking no more than 300 mg of this supplement a day, might raise testosterone levels in older men. Unfortunately a similar dose raises estrogen levels in younger men. This is a supplement that men with type 2 diabetes are probably better off leaving alone.

When carefully questioned, approximately 50 per cent of males with type 2 diabetes will admit to difficulty with their sexual function. This difficulty usually shows itself in the form of erectile dysfunction, which is the inability to have or sustain an erection that is sufficient for intercourse. Reasons besides insufficient production of the hormone testosterone include:

overproduction of a hormone from your brain, called prolactin
trauma to your penis
medications to lower high blood pressure (anti hypertensives) and antidepressants
poor blood supply to your penis due to blockage of the artery due to peripheral vascular disease
The failure of erection in type 2 diabetics is is also determined by the degree of control of your blood sugar levels, better control of blood sugar levels is associated with fewer problems.
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