Friday, January 6, 2017

Diabetes Type 2 Cure Without Drugs

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Diabetes is concerned with the high sugar levels in the body. In this metabolic disease, the body is not able to convert the extra sugar present in the body into to be used as energy form. There are specially two forms of diabetes type1 and type2. In case of type1 the body is not able to produce the much needed insulin hormone or the produced quantity is not enough or not useful. Type2 is more popular and is caused tissue resistance for the action of insulin. Insulin is generally a hormone that produces glucose from the digestion of carbohydrate from our food that ultimately is used by the body cells in the form of energy. If the insulin is not produced in the body or that one produced isn’t effective, then glucose will start building up in the blood. Now since insulin is the only key that can digest carbohydrate and produce some energy, we lack energy in our life. It makes us much tired in even a small workout, play or in our daily routine jobs.
Symptoms of Diabetes:
• Increased Urination and Thirst: If there is any increment in solutes in blood the filtration rate of kidney is enhanced. As a result amount of urine is increased loosing excessive water and sugar calories. This process may even result in dehydration that increases thirst.
• Lethargy and Weight Loss: Glucose being the prime source of energy needs to be conserved. While in diabetes it is discarded due to lack of insulin hormone. Due to the reason person feels more sluggish and may even lose body weight.
• Increased Hunger: Since there is excessive sugar in blood but cannot be converted into energy, it causes hunger. Hence a diabetic person feels hungrier without much physical workout. This is also a reason for frequent weight loss.
• Impaired Immunity and Wound Healing: Because of diabetes person will lose its body’s ability to heal wound and is more prone to infections than ever.
• Damaged Vision: Sugar builds up in the eye lens and sucks extra water that tends to change the shape of the eye lens and blurs your vision in turn, thus causing a blurry vision.
• Erectile Dysfunction: High blood sugar can even cause damage to the nerves and blood vessels of penis. It will cause erectile dysfunction at later stage of the disease.
Some individuals may even develop other symptoms like persistent headache, dark patches on neck, dry mouth, swollen gums and even heart attack due to damage to the arteries.
Treatment of Diabetes
Recently there have been numerous researches and investigations carried out to get a treatment for diabetes. However there are many pharmacological options available to manage diabetes and blood sugar levels. Calorie control with strict caution and prevention in lifestyle can boost the treatment of diabetes. Several guys might have to cut out certain food and add some exercise to their daily routine.
Though, some might have to go for drugs to control diabetes. These drugs can also be prescribed with insulin that can be taken directly into veins or can be inhaled.
However there are also some home remedies to cure diabetes:
• Awareness for diabetes: This approach can be much helpful in curing the disease at much early stage. Having a regular checkup, knowing your diet plans dos and don’ts etc.
• Maintain a healthy diet: Doesn’t matter whether you are suffering from the disease or not but you should maintain your weight in a particular range. Take advice of doctor to follow the diet plan and food and involving yourself in physical activity. Use smaller portions and smaller plates to ensure that you are not overeating. Do not eat while you are watching TV, as this could encourage you to eat more than you need. Eat slowly, so your body has a chance to register that you are full. By following these rules, you will be able to control your diet more effectively.
• Do physical exercise: According to researches, type2 diabetes can be prevented by maintaining healthy weight and diet plan with appropriate workout. Regular physical activity can do much for your body. Losing weight is also highly effective in helping to fight diabetes.

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